Where is Grace?
Grace Presbyterian Church is located at 105 Bailey Road in Crystal City, Missouri.
How can I support the mission & ministry of Grace?
You can support the ministry & mission of Grace by:
Graciously serving in any of our mission programs,
Lovingly sharing your gifts & talents with others,
Generously giving of your money & financial resources!
Graciously serving in any of our mission programs,
Lovingly sharing your gifts & talents with others,
Generously giving of your money & financial resources!
How do I contact Grace?
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9 am to 2 pm
Sunday Worship: 10 am
Church Secretary: Joyce Pyle
Office Phone: 636 937 3019
E-mail: [email protected]
Sunday Worship: 10 am
Church Secretary: Joyce Pyle
Office Phone: 636 937 3019
E-mail: [email protected]